Commercial Loads

This file contains four fuctions to add commercial load types to a feeder based on the use flags and cofiguration defined

supportFunctions.commercialLoads.add_normalized_commercial_ziploads(loadshape_dict, commercial_dict, config_data, last_key)

This fucntion appends commercial zip loads to a feeder based on existing loads


loadshape_dict - dictionary containing the full feeder

commercial_dict - dictionary that contains information about commercial loads spots

last_key - Last object key

config_data - dictionary that contains the configurations of the feeder


loadshape_dict - dictionary containing the full feeder

last_key - Last object key

supportFunctions.commercialLoads.append_commercial(glmCaseDict, use_flags, commercial_dict, last_object_key, config_data)

This fucntion appends commercial houses to a feeder based on existing loads


glmCaseDict - dictionary containing the full feeder

use_flags - dictionary that contains the use flags

commercial_dict - dictionary that contains information about commercial loads spots

last_object_key - Last object key

use_config_file - dictionary that contains the configurations of the feeder


glmCaseDict - dictionary containing the full feeder

last_object_key - Last object key