Feeder Configuration

This file contains functions to define user specifications for feeder models


Creates the specific settings for the simulation you are about to run.

feederName - name of the specific feeder we are working on
data - dictionary with full configuration specifications

This file contains functions to define user specifications for feeder models

supportFunctions.feederConfiguration.feederConfiguration(feederName, data=0)

Creates the specific settings for each feeder needed to populate the feeder. If not set by user defaults will be assumed for all variables

feederName - name of the specific feeder we are working on
data - dictionary with full configuration specifications

This file takes in the original GLM dictionary and output the modified GLM dictionary

supportFunctions.feederGenerator.modifyFeeder(glmDict, selectedFeederDict, randomSeed=2)

This fucntion modifies the feeder based on feeder configuration and use flags


glmDict - dictionary containing the full feeder unmodified

configuration_file - dictionary that contains the configurations of the feeder

use_flags - dictionary that contains flags for what technology case to tack on to the GridLAB-D model

randomSeed - initialize psuedo-random seed (defaults to 2)

glmCaseDict - dictionary containing the full feeder modified

This file contains a fuction to add recorders to a feeder based on the use flags defined

supportFunctions.feederRecorders.add_recorders(recorder_dict, config_file, file_path, selectedFeederDict, last_key=0)

This fuction adds recorders based on the configuration of the feeder


recorder_dict - dictionary containing the full feeder

config_file - dictionary that contains the configurations of the feeder

file_path - file path to where you created the modified GLM

feeder_name - name of the feeder we are working with

last_object_key - Last object key

recorder_dict - dictionary containing the full feeder

This file contains functions to upgrade transformers

supportFunctions.upgradeEquipment.upgrade_fuses(feederDict, upgradeLevel, upgradeCutOff=1000000.0)

This function upgrades fuses in the feeder


feederDict - The dictionary that hold the feeder information

upgradeLevel - a number that describes the levels of upgrade you want to make

upgradeCutOff - a value for when to not upgrade transformers, smaller number means that only small transformers are upgraded

supportFunctions.upgradeEquipment.upgrade_transformers(feederDict, upgradeLevel, upgradeCutOff=1000000.0)

This function upgrades transformers in the feeder


feederDict - The dictionary that hold the feeder information

upgradeLevel - a number that describes the levels of upgrade you want to make

upgradeCutOff - a value for when to not upgrade transformers, smaller number means that only small transformers are upgraded
