Create Distribution Feeders

This file contains functions that help build specific distribution feeders

supportFunctions.createDistributionFeeder.createDistributionSystem(feederModel, selectedFeederDict, hpc, parallel, randomSeed=10)

This function is used to create distribution systems according the user specified settings


feederModel - the base model file for the feeder

selectedFeederDict - dictionary with the information of the feeder

hpc - flag set if run on HPC platforms. Will zip the model files to save space

parallel - flag that determines if this function is being run in parallel. If so lock are used on shared files

randomSeed - this is the random seed so we can reproduce the results


This file contains functions that help build specific distribution feeders

supportFunctions.realTimeTransactiveEnergy.createDistributionFeeder.createDistributionSystem(feederModel, selectedFeederDict, hpc, parallel, randomSeed=10)

This function is used to create distribution systems according the user specified settings. This function is specifically used for the Real-Time Transactive Use cases.


feederModel - the base model file for the feeder

selectedFeederDict - dictionary with the information of the feeder

hpc - flag set if run on HPC platforms. Will zip the model files to save space

parallel - flag that determines if this function is being run in parallel. If so lock are used on shared files

randomSeed - this is the random seed so we can reproduce the results
